Gratitude & 2018 Holiday Memorial

It is incredibly heart-warming to have had so many families come out to support the 2018 holiday memorial. Our team spends many nights up late working to personalize the ornaments and prepare the photo garland. By the end of the week, three of our team members have memorized all the names and images of all … Continue reading Gratitude & 2018 Holiday Memorial

Language Matters: What to say and what to avoid.

Language is an important part of reducing stigma and ultimately,  reducing harm. Despite it being one of our earliest childhood lessons, language is hard to master. Mostly, because its constantly evolving. That said, we want to provide you with a helpful little reference guide to the language surrounding substance use disorder and overdose accidental drug poisoning. … Continue reading Language Matters: What to say and what to avoid.

Why do we keep talking about Language and Stigma?

Our efforts to change the language used to discuss substance use disorder are just as evident as our dedication to ending overdose. Perhaps you are wondering why. The answer is simple. They go together. Much like Newton's Cradle (pictured) which demonstrates the law of conservation of energy and momentum, the improper use language surrounding substance … Continue reading Why do we keep talking about Language and Stigma?

Remembering the Patron Saint of Harm Reduction

Where does one begin to describe the loss of a man responsible for saving thousands? The passing of our friend, mentor, and hero, Dan Bigg of the Chicago Recovery Alliance, this past August, was and is a devastating loss for harm reductionist around the world. Dan who pioneered harm reduction, safe syringe needle exchanges, and … Continue reading Remembering the Patron Saint of Harm Reduction

Compassion: The value at heart

Compassion (noun) :sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it At the root of compassion is the Latin words, “com” meaning, “with, together” and “pati” meaning, “to suffer”.  In the mid-14c. compassion or rather, “compassioun” meant “suffering with another”. Today’s definition includes a significant alteration, “a desire to alleviate” such suffering. … Continue reading Compassion: The value at heart