About Wake the Nation

Wake the Nation envisions a just world in which substance use disorder is viewed as an integral part of mental health, drug policy is rooted with compassion in science, health, and human rights, and people can engage in open dialogue about addiction without fear or shame. We work toward a society that values sensible drug policy and mental health equity for all.

Founded in 2012, Wake the Nation was the result of Executive Director, Cassandra Wingert’s, personal loss, following her boyfriend’s unexpected passing at the age of 22. Six years later, assisting individuals and families impacted by substance use disorder and mental illness remains among her fiercest passions.

Today, Wake the Nation is the voice of all those who no longer have one, demanding to be heard. We will wake the nation up to this growing epidemic so that it cannot continue to be ignored. With every action in life there is always a reaction, so too will this movement cause an effect.

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